Booking the Wampum Learning Lodge

The Wampum Learning Lodge booking form will be deactivated for the duration of the summer due to a full roster of Indigenous programming.

If you are a faculty member looking to book our classroom for the Fall 2024 term, please reach out to

Note only classes pertaining to the ongoing mandate and mission of the Wampum Learning Lodge will be accepted. Our booking form will be reactivated mid-August. Miigwech, Yaw^ko, Anushiik.

Book A Space

A space where indigenous histories, cultures and identities can be given full expression and where all can learn. 

The Wampum Learning Lodge looks forward to supporting Western University, Indigenous students and community by providing use of bookable spaces for Indigenous programming, events, courses and special occasions. 

Requests that support the vision and mission of the Wampum Learning Lodge will be prioritized. 
Any use of projectors requires you to bring a laptop able to connect to a HDMI cord.

Due to increased internal programming, The Wampum Learning Lodge will be taking an intermittent pause on bookings for the summer.

Spaces and accommodations 

Space Room Number Capacity
Classroom 0220 40
Gathering Dome 1220 150–200 Standing, 100 seated with capacity to add additional seats
Language/Media Lab 0205 8
Outdoor Classroom/Medicine Garden 0205 25
Ceremonial Arbor 20
Smudge Circle 10
Board Room 0215 6–8
Community Kitchen Functional Teaching Space